Businesswoman against starry sky

Find Joy in Your Work

In Newsletter by Kim Richards

Businesswoman against starry sky

“The challenges of today’s healthcare environment have led to unprecedented numbers of staff who are stressed, burned out and disengaged. Kim Richards, nurse leader and founder of the Self-Care Academy, has been a pioneer in helping nurses to build resiliency and find joy in their work.”
~ Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Editor in Chief, Nurse Leader

So, we’re nearly a month into 2019…is time flying by for you?

Where are you with your “resolutions”?

Yeah, me too!

A badly broken shoulder sidelined me, but also offered me plenty of time to reflect upon new possibilities, dreams and goals. How is it that the universe makes us pay attention — REALLY makes us pay attention — to our innermost desired direction and life purpose? (Ok, Universe… I could have seriously done without the injury! I was already listening!)

Take a breath with me and let go of the self-imposed pressure we put on ourselves. Now, commit — REALLY commit — to making 2019 a year of true transformation.

woman and butterflies

Need help getting started?

Contact me today about Life Coaching.

Schedule a free, 30 minute call to discuss the possibilities for your transformation.

Start NOW … start exactly where YOU are.

The Universe is ready.

Could your team benefit from improved resilience?
Rising Resilient

Improved resilience can profoundly affect performance, communication and employee retention. Are you searching for practical, content rich topics to offer your leadership and staff? Self-Care Academy can help.

“Kim is the “go-to” national nurse leader for health systems who want to invest in developing programs to foster staff wellness and resiliency.”
~ Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Editor in Chief, Nurse Leader