Noun: A conscious, positive emotion one can express when feeling thankful for something, whether tangible or intangible. Gratitude is the profound feeling I have as I write my final Weekly …
Just Stop Aleady
In the past year, my life transitions have created a new and unexpected role! In addition to speaking and writing, I’m now the chef and first mate on a luxury …
Feeling Stuck?
As an experienced Life Coach, I’ve observed that the number one reason people seek my help, is they feel “stuck” in their life…personally stuck as well as professionally stuck. While …
Belonging: A Fundamental Feeling We All Crave
Such a simple word for a huge concept. Whether it’s a part of a family, friends or coworkers, most people have an inherent desire to be an important part of …
Beyond Resilience: Pathways from Those Who are Thriving in 2022
Transforming, reimagining, pivoting, adaptability, embracing change…just a few of the mastered skills of those who have determined to rise above the uncertainty, confusion and unsettledness of the new world we …